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How to protect yourself from COVID - 19 while grocery shopping?

Limit the grocery store visits
Limit the grocery store visits to only one person and avoid taking children.

Guide your house help
If your house help is doing shopping explain to them precautionary measures.

Don’t forget to wear a mask
Before stepping out of the house don’t forget to wear your mask. You can buy your masks from ECO365 which are reusable, washable, stylish, multicolored, and available at affordable prices.

Make a list
Make a grocery list prior to leaving the house.

Keep distance
Ensure that you always leave a distance of at least 1.5 meters between yourself and others.

Disinfectant is a must
Ensure to disinfectant carts, baskets prior to use or wear disposables and throw them in the trash bin immediately after use.

No touching your nose, mouth, eyes
Avoid touching your nose, eyes, mouth while shopping.

Use Digital payment
Use digital payment instead of cash. Use a tissue when entering your pin number.

Alcohol based hand sanitizer
Use alcohol based hand sanitizer immediately after you leave the grocery store.

Grocery bags in the trunk
Place grocery bags in the trunk of your car and not on the seat of the car.

Discard your grocery bags
when you reach home discard the grocery bags immediately and wash the purchased items.

Avoid going grocery shopping if you
Avoid going grocery shopping if you

  • Are experiencing any flu- like symptoms such as coughing, sneezing, and fever.
  • Suffering from any chronic condition of low immunity
  • Are an elderly person
  • Pregnant
Next article How to protect yourself from covid - 19 while travelling?

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