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What you can teach your kids on Water Conservation

When it comes to water conservation, we believe it starts at home… with our children. It is so easy to teach children from the very beginning the importance of conserving one of the Earth’s most valuable resources. Together, we can build a foundation of knowledge so our children all grow up to be stewards of the Earth. Teaching children good water management can be a challenge, no doubt, but it's an important lesson. Let's explore some dynamic and fun ways you can help teach your children that a drop of water is a terrible thing to waste.

Help your kids learn these five simple tips for conserving water

When brushing teeth or scrubbing their soapy hands and face, teach your children to turn off the faucet so they do not let water simply run down the drain. Tell them about the water saving equipment such as Eco 365 water saving aerators.

Another important lesson for your kids, as well as for yourself, is to check the faucets in your home to make sure they are tightly turned off to avoid a small, slow drip that can waste a lot of water over time.

Your washrooms really use more water than required. It’s time to use ECO365 water free urinal solutions. Installing water free urinal solutions will not only save the increasingly important resource of water, but will reduce costs and with less water use, and will improve restroom/bathroom also helps in waste management efficiency and money over the long term.

For safety reasons, babies should only have about an inch or two of water in their bath anyway. There is no reason to use much more than that. When your kids are old enough, switch from baths to quick showers that use less water than filling up a tub. One can also save water by using Eco 365 shower heads which can save a lot of water.

Encourage your kids to collect “old” water from leftover water bottles, half-drank cups or boiling eggs, (after the water has cooled) and use it to hydrate your grass and bushes instead of turning on the sprinklers or the hose in the middle of the day. Make sure your kids understand why it’s so important to reuse water when possible instead of simply pouring unwanted water down the drain.

When you teach kids the necessity of water conservation, you’re giving them a valuable foundation to build and learn from as they grow. After all, they are the ones who we are going to look to in several years for new solutions to water shortages.

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